Interview with GOLD COLLAGEN brand founder Tony Sangiunetti

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2022 07 26

1)Please tell us about the origins of the Gold Collagen. Is it true that the main interest in collagen was driven by your love for Japan and passion for the ancient traditions of this extraordinary country?

Fascinated by the reverence that Japanese women have for beauty as an art, MINERVA’s founder Tony Sanguinetti embraced their sophisticated attitude to beauty. He realised that their diet was an essential part of their daily beauty regime. This inspired him to develop a range of products for the Western world that would capture the Japanese approach to youthful and radiant skin.

Our first ever liquid beauty supplement PURE GOLD COLLAGEN® was launched in the UK in 2011.

2) What other principles of the Japanese beauty routine besides dietary traditions have you applied in creating Gold Collagen products?

In addition to acknowledging and understanding the importance of good diet for the overall wellbeing and beauty, Tony Sanguinetti put focus on finding the ideal blend of ingredients to give the nutrition needed, alongside the hydrolysed collagen making GOLD COLLAGEN® a wholesome supplement which not only supports the skin, hair and nails, but also enhance the overall wellbeing of living better for longer. The brand’s sleek packaging design is also inspired by the Japanese love of perfection in everything they create.

3) Tell us about the concept, philosophy of the brand, and its mission?

For over a decade Minerva Research Labs has been creating, developing and testing innovative products containing bioactive peptides, vitamins, minerals and plant extracts in a form that is highly efficacious, tasty and designed to support general wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle.

Minerva has a long-term investment programme with a specialist network, working collaborating alongside leading academic institutions and Universities, more than 50 dermatologists, experts in nutrition, skincare science, joint and mobility, clinical trials specialists and key opinion leaders.

Our purpose is to help people live better for longer.

A commitment that unfolds through expertise and excellence, driven by innovation and supported by science.

We listen. We understand. We guide.

To foster your wellbeing from the inside out.

4) Today, the company has a very wide range of products, each of which is aimed at solving specific tasks. If collagen is a protein that is generally necessary for the whole body, then why will one product be more effective for hair, and another, for example, will strengthen the joints more.

Collagen is the main component of the skin, but it is also found in joints, muscles, tendons and bones.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. As the years go by, the body and the skin ages reducing the production of collagen. Collagen is generally beneficial to several parts of the body.

Minerva Research Labs is dedicated to offering the customer the products that best suit their individual needs whether in their early signs of ageing, hair support or joint and muscle support. What differentiates Gold Collagen products from one another not only the collagen content, but also the added active ingredients that make each product unique. The active ingredient in each product is specifically tailored for the needs of the customer group. Gold Collagen FORTE, developed for women aged 40+, is filled with antioxidants and Vitamin D, in addition to the ideal 5g of hydrolysed marine collagen.  It is better to deliver collagen in combination with the vitamins and minerals required to stimulate the fibroblast to make new collagen e.g. vitamin C, copper, manganese, etc.

5) Why are the products in the form of drinking collagen, while most manufacturers make powder or capsules?

Research has shown that supplements in a liquid format have a higher absorption rate by the body. A liquid is superior to a tablet, delivering both a higher dose of collagen and better absorption in the body. The liquid formulation using a higher dose of ingredients, in combination with increased absorption and bioavailability is key to delivering the clinically proven benefits of daily use of GOLD COLLAGEN® products.

When a liquid is ingested, there are a number of steps leading to absorption into the bloodstream, allowing for the substances to be bioavailable to tissues such as skin. These can include digestion, uptake by cells in the small intestine, transport into the blood vessel, and distribution throughout the body.

In the case of a tablet or capsule, a further step is required i.e. a dissolution step.

Several factors can impact the ability of a tablet to dissolve and release its bioactive ingredients, including compression of the ingredients in the pills, and use of coatings, stabilisers and bulking agents which can interfere with the absorption.

6) What is the uniqueness of the new Gold Collagen Vegan product? How was the work of scientists on the creation of this product, which has no analogs today? Were there any challenges? Is there no animal protein in the product at all? Then is the active ingredient equal to animal protein by its effectiveness?

Collagen is a protein derived from animals. However, recent trends encourage many to avoid consumption of animal-based products. The number of people who support veganism or vegetarianism as a specific lifestyle philosophy has grown dramatically in recent years. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to develop new products, from non-animal sources, that exert similar or even greater beneficial antioxidant effects, which can be adapted to meet the nutritional and health requirements of these consumers. This is exactly what we have achieved. To meet this global demand, Gold Collagen Vegan was born.

Don’t underestimate the powers of Gold Collagen Vegan. This powerhouse contains 28 active nutrients including high-grade vegetable rice peptides to effectively support the body's own collagen production, maintain skin elasticity, promote cell regeneration and protect the skin from free radicals. It contains 100% plant-based proteins, carefully formulated to offer an effective alternative for vegans and vegetarians to support skin, hair and nail health.

7) The Gold Collagen brand has more than 10 years of research and innovation, that is quite an experience! Share the most interesting discoveries and statistics?

We are proud to be present in over 35 countries around the world. We have sold 45 million bottles sold worldwide since the launch in 2011. Further, our team of experts have published over 10 publications throughout the years and we have several patents on our award winning formulations.